We live in the age of digital technology. This phrase is spoken often, sometimes we awe at what we as humans have created. The internet provides people with information on almost every topic with simply a few clicks of a button but with all forms of technology, a new way of life has been created for the new generation.
The word addiction and obsession seem to describe much of the teen and adult’s involvement in these technological activities it could be that we have developed along with these various electronics. Here are a few signs that you may have developed which show that you are becoming digitally dependent and that you need a break…
1. You feel incomplete without your phone
We have become dependent upon the technology as many teenagers or even adults don’t leave their home without their cell phones. They’ve become so used to their cellphones that they can’t live without their gadgets. A part of them always feel incomplete if they don’t carry their phones.
This explicitly shows how we are becoming digitally dependent as it has become an important part of our lives, without which many cannot even imagine surviving.
Read now: Teens And Social Media
2. Not live in the moment
People are so much indulged in using their phones that they don’t seem to live in the present moment. You’d literally see people in every friend or family gathering, who are more concerned about how to tell the world what they are up to rather than socializing with people who are sitting next to them.
We are more focused on capturing the moments and sharing it with our digital networks rather than actually experiencing moments and enjoying them.
Read More About How To Live In A Moment.
3. Escape from reality
People tend to run away from their realities and responsibilities of life and use cellphones and the internet to escape from them. This results mostly in missing deadlines for their work and distracts them from reaching their goals.
This fragmented lifestyle brings about stress and overload on the brain, which then causes cholesterol, a stress-related hormone to high levels.
4. Anxiety and Depression
When we feel over conscious about our appearance on social media, we definitely feel anxious of not becoming like the ones we aspire on social media. This also means that we are becoming too addicted of social media life and want to adopt it so bad.
Comparison of our lives with other people on the internet also causes depression and anxiety and with passage of time, these issues get so over that people are not able to overcome them.
5. Head Aches and Body Pains
Screens have made us more stationary. Many jobs we see are now desk oriented or screen based. Similarly, academic institutes are also switching to hybrid education, which can leave negative effects onto our eyes and backs.
When these aches and pains start to feel enduring, you should acknowledge that it’s time to step back.
Technology has helped us so far in making our lives easier, but it is worth nothing that spending so many hours in spending time watching televisions and using phones are causing brain damages. We should use and take benefits according to our needs rather than becoming dependent on them. We live in the age of technology and our generation is full of addicts.
Informational read.
Good article..
Worth to read 👍👍