CORONAVIRUS, the pandemic which has shaken up the whole world. There have been 54,075,995 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 1,313,919 deaths globally according to the reports made public by the WHO, as of now. Which means the virus is not at its ending stage, as it was previously thought by many.
Did you know ?
There are some books and movies which predicted the virus even before it’s first case was reported.
The Eyes of Darkness
Dean Koontz, the American author forecasted coronavirus pandemic in 1981. In his book “The Eyes of Darkness” he wrote about the virus name as “Wuhan-400”, whereas in real Covid-19 appears from Wuhan, city of China. According to the author, this virus was created as a bio-weapon in a laboratory having a “fatality-rate” of 100%. The similarities of the virus made the world suspicious and people began to approach and compare the reality and the fictional story. People were shocked that something so similar to covid-19 was predicted and fathomed of almost 40 years ago.
2. The future teller Simpsons
The famous animated comedy series “The future teller Simpsons” as referred to by many due to the show also simply known as “The Simpsons” have predicted many real life events in the past. The also predicted the virus in a 1993 episode. This went viral on social media. In the show the viral flu was seen to be emerging from Japan and the name of the imaginary highly contagious disease was the “Osaka Flu”. The title of the episode was “Marge in Chains”. In the episode, the flu started to spread after a factory worker coughed into some parcels which were meant to be delivered. Twitter users have still very much been discussing about it.
But coronavirus didn’t spread through packages, as in the episode it is shown that the ‘flu’ incubates in just 3 seconds. On the contrary, coronavirus needs time to enter in a body and takes almost 10-14 days then the initial symptoms are visible.
Amazingly Simpsons not only forecasted covid-19 but many of its other predictions have come true as I talked about earlier. It has also predicted that Donald Trump would become the US president and people are shocked by this and all of the other eerily similar predictions the show had made.
3. End of Days
Sylvia Browne literally titled her book “End of Days” which was published in 2008, in which she prophesized that a “severe pneumonia-like illness would outspread in 2020 across the world that will attack the lungs and bronchial tubes.
In her book it is clearly written that the virus would outbreak in 2020 and it will vanish as quickly as it arrived and will be resisting all known treatments.
Tangled – Disney
The popular Disney film, which was released in 2010, tells the story of Rapunzel, who is locked away in a tower for 18 years. While the story is one that is familiar to many, fans have been quick to spot strikingly similar details to today’s current health pandemic.
“Tangled the Disney movie. About a girl who is isolated from the kingdom of Corona. Well played @Disney.”