Shraddha Kapoor and Sara Ali Khan reportedly denied consuming drugs during questioning by the NCB. Actor Deepika Padukone was also summoned today. The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) on Saturday seized mobile phones of actors Deepika Padukone, Sara Ali Khan, and others during the investigation into allegations of drug abuse in Bollywood. The phones were seized by the agency in order to gather clues in the drugs probe.
Three Bollywood actors, including top star Deepika Padukone, were questioned by India’s narcotics agency on Saturday as part of an investigation into the movie industry’s alleged links with drug peddlers and cartels, officials said. Video broadcast live on Indian TV news channels later showed Shraddha Kapoor and Sara Ali Khan also reaching the agency’s office for questioning.
According to a report in Times Now, around 25 A-lister celebrities from the industry have been named in the case which includes actors, directors, casting directors, production houses and others. These are reportedly the people who have indulged in the procurement, consumption and peddling of drugs. Reports also suggest that the NCB is moving forward very cautiously owing to the high profile names in the list. These celebs will only be summoned when enough evidence is gathered