Social media negatively affects our mental health as it draws us away from reality. Social media and mental illness such as anxiety and depression are correlated. This doesn’t mean exactly that it will cause you to have mental health issues, but rather using social media in a specific way, such as overusing it may increase your chances of developing mental and depressive disorder.
Comparing yourself to others:
It all starts with when we compare our lives to others as we are constantly on social media to see what other people have posted and what everyone has been doing in their lives. We need to realize that nobody puts their failures and hard times up there. People always use social media and put the stories of their success and good times. This is why we always end up thinking that they are living their wonderful life. Then we start comparing our lives to theirs which is wrong.
Read more: Teens and social media
Seeking validation:
Furthermore people are constantly posting pictures and stuff onto Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and as well on other social sites. They anxiously start waiting for responses such as likes, comments and shares. And if they don’t get what they expected, they begin to feel left out and anxious and this is the root of mental issues and depression. Then they usually utilize other measures to gain likes and followers so that they can feel satisfied in the social internet world.
Despite all the validation they may get after that, when it comes to in person communication, they begin to lack the confidence and skills to communicate outside the screen. This is where problems arise. When people get used to talking on social media and texts, they fear human interaction. Above all fear of judgement because what they show on social media is perfect but in reality nobody is as perfect as their social profile shows.
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How to not let it control you and your mind?
We need to accept the fact that what we see on social media is just one side of a coin. Once you realize it, nothing can affect you. Do not expect anything from anybody. You don’t need validation of anyone. Limit the use of social media. See reality the way it is and accept some hard facts and truth about yourself and others for your betterment.
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