Hira Mani’s father passed away – heartbreaking story: Hira Mani’s father Farrukh Jamal passed away. His sudden demise has shocked many people. Hira Mani’s husband, Salman Saqib Sheikh shared the sad news on his Facebook account. He wrote, “It’s with great and profound sadness that we inform you of the passing of Hira’s father Syed Farrukh Jamal.”
Sad news
The grieving family arranged the funeral prayers at Taimuriah Masjid Hyderi, at North Nazimabad, Karachi. The Facebook post received many comments from fans saddened for the sake of Hira Mani’s family at this sorrowful time. Fans left touching messages and paid tribute to the deceased soul. No one is aware of the cause of death. It is said he died of natural causes. However, there is no official confirmation from the close relatives about the reason of demise.
So who is Hira Mani?
Hira Mani is a prominent TV actress, presenter and former video jockey. With such a loving father, she must have had an amazing and loving upbringing at home. When she turned 19, she married Salman Saqib Sheikh (Mani). The marriage was consummated on 18 April 2008. Since then, she has had two sons with him. Further, she starred with him in many TV shows. They have a tendency to work together which proves they are a loving couple. If we talk about her performances, some of her career drama highlights have been Preet Na Karyo Koi (2015), Yakeen Ka Safar (2017) and Kashf (2020).
Thus, Hira Mani must be deeply grieved by the sad parting of her father. We wish her comfort in her time of seclusion. All the best for her and her family for future endeavours.