The influence of slang in our youth is very common nowadays It has become a part of our lifestyle and words which are associated with slangs are often use in daily conversations. Before I further state the issue which is rising day by day in our society people need to know what slang is, a slang is not something you use as fun.
Slang A slang is a type of language consisting of words or phrases that are used by a group of people or a society to communicate in an informal way which is restricted by that group of people to use in another context.
In simple words, a slang language is a way to communicate with your group in an informal way or in a way that is hard to understand by others. But let’s be honest here today’s generation which is called Gen Z by the way used slang words to look cool and disrespectfully use these slangs to others some examples are.
Examples of offensive slang words
The N-word:
well in our desi society teenagers use this word as fun but it’s not fun to use this word because even if it’s a slang this word doesn’t associate with anyone here, I have seen many kids, teenagers even adults use this word to address someone. This word has a whole history behind it people need to educate themselves about it rather than using it. On one hand, these teenagers use the BLM trend to stand against racial discrimination, and on the other, they are using this word openly in our country don’t you think that it’s hypocrisy.
Tranny: it’s a slang word used for offensively referring transgender community, well here in our country teens used this word to disrespect the transgender very commonly which is not acceptable at all. We as human needs to know what to and where to use such words appropriately calling someone tranny is extremely offensive it is not a word to use as a joke.
this slang refers to women genitals is used by adults to refer a person to express that they are weak and emotional. This kind of slang you cannot use it in our society where we highly respect our women, but still as everything according to this generation is in a trend they use it no matter how offensive it is.
We use this slang as to refer anyone unpleasant or unwanted but in reality, it means defective, disabled and we as humans use this word so commonly without any care of to whom it might hurt.
Tea is all about exchanging hot gossip. You can get tea, spill tea, and give tea. Often, the term is simply interchangeable with the letter “T.” This slang term—like so many on this list
While the term became popularized in ’90s hip-hop and R&B music, it’s technically old English, the past tense of shake. To feel shook is to be shaken up by something, for better or worse. The 2017 clip of comedian Christine Sydelko saying “I am shooketh!” brought it into the mainstream.
Used as a verb, a “read” is essentially an insult, and a catty way of calling out someone’s flaws.
You can “throw shade” or “be shady,” in other words, subtly (or indirectly) disrespect someone.
These are just some examples of the words we are using without knowing the actual meaning behind it as to why our generation uses it because it’s in trend or it looks cool so why not use it. People need to understand that these words are a bad influence on teenagers’ life not only because it’s hurting someone else feelings but it’s changing the mindset of this generation.
This generation needs to understand this that some words are extremely offensive to others and even if their meanings are not harmful you can not use such words in front of certain people. As john more said.
Slang is a poor man’s poetry
And I cannot agree more because using slang or phrases like is fun and all but to the extent of such words which are offensive, disrespectful is not acceptable not only in this society but all over the world.
Using slang in daily conversations has become a part of today’s generation but it’s affecting their mindset too. Because most of the people are not educated about some words and are using it otherwise, why because it has become a trend. The following trend makes you invested in what’s going on around you but to stay in trend first you need to educate yourself about the things you can and cant use.