Nadra Launches a Door-To-Door Car Registration and Transfer Service
The National Database and Registration Authority is a separate organization that serves the people of the country.
Nadra has established a home-based doorstep registration service. The measure was taken to make life easier for citizens and eliminate the need to go to the excise office.
An official Nadra representative, Khurram Javed, informed the media that the team would issue the license plate and register the vehicle.
Khurrum claims that this brand-new method has already been utilized by nearly 2,500 applicants to register their vehicles.
Nadra states, “The citizens will need to call the numbers of our call center. Our agent will book your appointment and provide you with details, and we will visit them within two to three days.” We only have ten to fifteen minutes to finish the registration.
He added that regardless of the age of the vehicle, the Nadra call center agent collects all pertinent information. The applicant is then instructed to organize payment and prepare specific documents.
Khurrum claims that the service costs an additional Rs 995 in addition to tokens and taxes. Khurrum claims that the service is currently provided for Islamabad.
The fact that Nadra is in charge of issuing the computerized National Identity cards must also be mentioned. It has more than 800 domestic and five international offices and employs more than 11,000 people, making it one of the largest government institutions.
Nadra continuously strives to modernize its system and enhance its services. Previously, Nadra initiated information-based artificial intelligence fingerprint verification solutions for senior citizens.
In addition, Nadra made the Rahbar mobile app to make life easier for its citizens. Nadra also launched its Digital Payment System to take the place of ATMs. Over 17,000 e-sahulat locations were to be transformed into fully featured ATMs as part of the mission.
“We are enhancing the state capacity to deliver digital goods and move toward electronic financial transactions for transparency and accountability,” states Nadir Malik, chairman of Nadra.
This demonstrates Nadra’s concern for their customers and efforts to assist citizens in every possible way.