On December 28, 2018, Iqra Aziz and Yasir Hussain married. And this charming couple is now the proud parents of a beautiful baby boy named Kabir Hussain. He’s only a few months old, yet this adorable couple has never shared a photo of him before. They recently posted a cute photo of this little star to their Instagram account. Which graced our newsfeed.Many celebs, including Minal Khan, Aiman Khan, Areeba Habib. And others, shared a snapshot of Kabir Hussain on their Instagram stories a few days ago. Everyone adored this happy baby who was always smiling in his photos. And we couldn’t take our gaze away from this particular viewpoint. Now, the couple has released a lovely video of Kabir Hussain. Who is, of course, very cool to deal with and has an out-of-this-world smile.
Finally they revealed the baby face😩♥️
— R A V E E H A ♡ (@khabti_orat) December 23, 2021
Masha Allah♥️#iqraaziz#yasirhussain pic.twitter.com/U9FxIFOtS9
In the video, the infant sits on the couch and smiles at the camera. He bears a striking resemblance to her mother. We are overjoyed to see this lovely video. Iqra Aziz posted a video on her social media account after Kabir Hussain was born. In which Yasir Hussain assisted Iqra in caring for Kabir. Sharmila Farooqi slammed them, adding they should be ashamed of themselves.
Red is the colour for the day! Little Kabir everyday’s click is internet’s ‘NEW’ nowadays #kabirhussain 👼 @yasirhussain131 @iiqraAzizz
— Lollywoodnow_ (@Lollywoodnow1) December 25, 2021
#iqraaziz #U19AsiaCup pic.twitter.com/WrFSbzx6W3
This pair made a snide remark at her and clapped back. They are both frequently chastised for various reasons. Yet we adore them as a couple and consider them to be our favourites. We wish this lovely angel baby a long, happy, and healthy life filled with joy and accomplishments.
What do you think his mother or father looks like? Let us know in the comments section. Thanks!
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