Procrastination is a new term to me yet when I comprehend what it is I came to realize that I do it consistently which isn’t solid. First, what is Procrastination, is the evasion of carrying out a responsibility that should be practiced by a specific period. It could be additionally expressed as a constant or deliberate postponement of beginning or completing an errand notwithstanding realizing it may have negative results.
Procrastination a terrible habit we all do well most of us at least, it is something I can’t discipline myself out of. It is like a challenge like what is the least possible time it will take me to complete a task. Procrastination isn’t a thing which comes to you instantly I remember the time when I first discover procrastination, well growing up in a strict brown family I have to complete my homework first my assignment was on the next day but I was watching a movie, my mother asked me that have I completed my assignment and at that moment I said yes but in reality, I didn’t.
I slept and when I woke up there was this fear in me started to rise, but then I met procrastination I started to calculate that my assignment is from the English period before that I have time in the school bus and before assembly and the second period we don’t have much to do I can complete my English homework by then.
After this procrastination became my life, everything became a mission of how last minute I can complete my task its became our routine like going to bed we all think one more episode won’t hurt right if I watch 34 minutes episode I can get 6 hours sleep so I continue watching it’s the same after waking up I wake up looking at the time and think oh yeah I have 4 minutes more to sleep. We don’t realize it but we all are addicted to procrastination which isn’t healthy at all.
When we think about it life has become a long chain of procrastination as awkward as it sounds we all have occupied ourselves with distractions and time-consuming activities until we reach the end of our lives. Not to say that being alive and do day to day tasks are pointless. To procrastinate doesn’t mean to underachieve it simply means to delay or postpone a thing at the very last minute.
“Procrastination is the thief of time – Edward Young”
Indeed Edward young is right procrastination is the thief of time we all do it. Let’s be honest if you are reading this article you are procrastinating there is a paper due in 7 hours or there are some home chores you should be doing but instead you are reading this article on what is procrastinating isn’t it astounding of how we all addicted to something without even realizing that we doing it.
Most of us feel accomplished doing it but ever wonder that by taking the stress and having anxiety why not do it in the first place why we all wait till the last moment to do something why it is always that yeah I can do it no time I will do it later but when that later comes we started to have stress and our thoughts come out as what if it’s not perfect what if I didn’t make it to the submission deadline and all these things combine makes our mind go crazy and this is not healthy.
How to Stop Procrastination:
Well I am not a perfectionist and I procrastinate too but these steps helped me to overcome this
- Humans are not best at regulating themselves so we have to trick ourselves into this. Divide your work into small parts rather than eating a whole bear at once take small bites and enjoy the ride. Finish your work in chunks not at the very end.
- Well, why the heroes always fight with the small zombies at first then the headmaster because if we break the small chores at first the big one doesn’t seem that hard at the last. The hard thing to do a project is to start a project so be a hero and start with the small zombies and finish those tasks first which you are best at.
- It’s the hard one to kill your temptations at first it’s easier said than done but if you want productivity and routine in your life you have to kill all the distractions for a while and complete your desired task.
“Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried”
Don’t be a murderer of your opportunity and try to stop procrastinating it won’t help any of us in any way I hope this article somehow motivated you.