Shab-e-Barat is essentially the night of atonement. It is an extremely important and pious occasion for our Muslim community around the world. Also known as the ‘night of forgiveness’. This year it will begin in the evening of March 28. And end in the evening of March 29.
Shab e Barat is an important night in the Islamic calendar. it is celebrated in the mid of Shaban (on the night in between the 14th and 15th of Shaban). This is the reason why it is called Nisf Shaban.
This blessed night starts at sunset on the 14th of Shaban and ends at dawn on the 15th of Shaban.
The Month Of Sha’ban:
Sha’ban is the 8th month of the Islamic calendar. it is month of blessings and asking ALLAH for forgiveness.
The same is also evident from the hadith about this blessing month.
Importance of Sha’ban in Islam:
Aishah Bint Abu Bakr (R.A) reported that:
“The Messenger of ALLAH did not fast in any month of the year more than he did in Sha’ban. He used to fast all of Sha’ban.” (An-Nisai:2180)
This fact clearly shows the virtues and importance of the month of Sha’ban.
The hadith by Imam Ibn Hajr Haythmi, States, Narrated by Muadh bin Jabal (RA) from Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasalam) who said:
“ALLAH turns towards his creation in the Night of Mid-Shabaan and He forgives all of them except for a Mushrik and one who hates other people.
Shab-e-Barat Night:
Every year, Shab-e-Barat is observed on the night between the 14 and 15 of Sha’aban.The eighth month of the Islamic calendar.
In Islam, Shab-e-Barat means the night of forgiveness or Day of Atonement. It is considered to be the night when GOD forgives sinners.
Shab e Barat is a night which we Muslims revere as the night of forgiveness, praying the whole night asking Allah to bestow them with His blessings.We Muslims believe that on this night Almighty can be approached for his infinite.
Fasting on 15th Sha’ban:
There is no authentic Hadith that explicitly mentions the importance of fasting specially on the 15th day of Shaban.
The Prophet Muhammad (saws) said that, “Whoever fasts three days in the month of Shaban and at the time of breaking fast recites salawat three times upon me, his sins will be forgiven and his provisions will be amplified, and on the Day of Judgment he will enter Paradise riding on a heavenly mount.”
Well Come Shab-e-Barat:
1. Take a shower (ghusl) before the Maghrib prayer on the evening of the night of the 15th of the month of Shaban with the intention of welcoming Shabe Barat.
2. Pray the Maghrib prayer.
3. Recite Surah Ya Seen three times
4: Pray the Isha Prayer
The Prayer of Goodness:
Throughout the night of Shabe Barat, pray one hundred cycles, or raka, of Salatul Khair, in each cycle reciting Surah Fatiha and ten times Surah Ikhlas (Chapter 112 of the Holy Qur’an), ultimately making a total of one thousand recitations of Surah Ikhlas.
After praying Salatul Khair, you may then pray Salatul Witr.
So, you may spend this night by doing good deed such as making Duas for yourself and for all the Muslims around the world, reciting Al-Quran and any other act to get Allah’s attention and blessings as these deeds are Sunnah of Prophet (S.A.W.) according to the Hadiths mentioned above. But note one thing that any act of worship during this night is not obligatory.
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