The wedding of Shahveer Jafry and Ayesha Beig took place just a few days ago. The pair married in a lavish wedding ceremony. Many well-known YouTubers enthusiastically attended the wedding ceremony. Last year, the lovely pair tied the knot in a spectacular engagement ceremony. Zaid Ali T has a surprise in store for the couple. When he arrives in Pakistan without informing them.
Ayesha Beig and Shahveer Jafry on their big day🥺🌹
— daily pak aesthetics (@pakaesthetics) October 24, 2021
This adorable young man is a popular YouTuber with over 3 million fans. Zaid Ali T gained enormous popularity. And acclaim as a result of his incredible work with him. Shahveer Jafry continued to provide details about his wedding preparations. Several YouTubers and stars attended Shahveer’s wedding. In October of 2021, the couple married. Many celebrities who were unable to join the celebrations sent their best wishes to the couple.
Exclusive Pictures And Videos From Shahveer Jafry’s Fiancé Ayesha Baig’s Mayon
— OnlineWiki (@dailybugletwit) October 20, 2021
This opulent wedding was also the subject of a contentious photo. When Shahveer tweeted a photo with a sign in the background stating. That no guards or drivers are permitted to enter the location. The groom finally clarified his position by stating that he had only booked out the Golf Garrison Club. For his walima party and had nothing to do with the comment. He further stated that his guards and workers were present during the occasion. He said that he hadn’t noticed the board before. And that if he had, he would have taken it down.
— Celebrities Point (@CelebritiesPoi1) November 19, 2021
Shahveer Jafry Honeymoon Pics#PAKvBAN
The Pair
Is now enjoying their honeymoon vacations in the Maldives. The duo is attracting a lot of attention by sharing their enthralling photos with their followers. We’ve recently fallen in love with an incredible pair. These stunning and hypnotic images are only adding to the intrigue and value of our feeds.
What are your thoughts on this couple? Please let us know what you think in the comments area below. Thanks!
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