SAMAAJ is preparing to debut Super Sohni, a 2D animated series that presents. A new Pakistani hero who battles sexual abuse of young females. The series will consist of ten episodes, one of which will be release online every Friday. ‘Super Sohni,’ an animated series.
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});SAMAAJ is set to release Super Sohni, an animated series about a superhero fighting against abuse, on December 17.
— Images (@dawn_images) December 16, 2021
More on Images – #supersohni
Super Sohni, which falls under the umbrella of its parent project, the Girls Sexual Abuse Prevention Program. Which launched by SAMAAJ earlier this year, aims to raise awareness about the issue of child sexual abuse in the country. Focusing primarily on minor girls, who, according to local research, account for 70% of the victims.
SAMAAJ is a non-profit organisation
SAMAAJ is a non-profit organisation located in Lahore that found in 2015 with the goal of creating a more inclusive and fair society through the use of creative mediums and approaches. The organisation, led by Sehyr Mirza, a creative writer and journalist, and Ammar Aziz. A prominent filmmaker and poet, is employing various art forms to push for gender equality and freedom of expression.
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});“SAMAAJ to debut an animated series featuring Super Sohni.”
— Neemopani (@Neemopanidotcom) December 17, 2021
Read more:…#Neemopani #KuchKhattaKuchMeetha #Samaaj #animatedfilm #sohni #sexualviolence
Super Sohni an animated se’Super Sohni,’ an animated series
In Pakistan, the subject of child sexual abuse is still taboo. The number of child abuse cases registered in the country has risen dramatically in recent years. According to research performed by Sahil, a Pakistani NGO. There 2690 cases of CSA documented in 2020, representing a 4% rise over the previous year.
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});“As harrowing as these numbers may seem, they still don’t even remotely represent the extent of this problem because most of these cases still go unreported. This is because of the element of shame and dishonour which is attach to it,” said Sehyr Mirza. “Awareness is the first step towards prevention and eradication. It is therefore imperative to subtly educate our children on this issue and to teach them to maintain boundaries with everyone they know,” she added. The series will be shown in hundreds of schools across Pakistan.
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