The 73rd birthday of maestro qawwal Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan was celebrated on October 13. With celebrities paying respect to the late musician on social media. Comedian Yasir Hussain shared an old video of Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn from an Indian TV show. In which he recounts a storey about Khan’s humility and dedication. “Nusrat Sahab jaisa artist sadiyon mai paida hota hai. [An artist like Nusrat Sahab is born once in a decade],” Yasir captioned the photo.
Ajay Devgn related the storey of the qawwal recording his final album for Devgn’s film Kachche Dhaage while in India. The actor said, “Sahab’s last album was Kachche Dhaage, which was my film,” recalled the actor. “I remember, Nusrat Sahab had travelled from Pakistan and was staying at a hotel. He was there for a month to make music. At the time, he weighed a lot. So, he would ask [lyricist] Anand Bakshi Sahab to come to him since he couldn’t travel by car. Bakshi Sahab felt he was doing this because he had a very big ego. He would ask, ‘Why isn’t he coming here?’”
He continued, “He’d write a song and send it over, and Nusrat Sahab would reject it because he didn’t get the right feel from it. Nusrat Sahab would send a tune and Bakshi Sahab would reject it. This went on for 15 to 20 days, after which Nusrat Sahab had had enough and said, ‘Pick me up and take me to him.’ Bakshi Sahab lived on the first floor, and Nusrat Sahab had seven to eight people carry him upstairs. When Bakshi Sahab saw this, he cried with tears. He apologised, saying that he was the one who had the ego issue. He went back to the hotel with him and wrote the entire album there.”
During his lifetime, he sang in Punjabi, Urdu, Persian, Hindi, and other languages. And he performed in over 40 countries. Including the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, India, and Canada. He also composed songs for films and released multiple solo albums. Khan received the Pride of Performance Award as well.
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